I finished two quilts. This first one is a Bright Hopes quilt that I made for a client of my husband. I have mentioned before that he is one of the top Personal Injury attorneys around. I like to think that the firm has both a brain and a heart since they commission me to make quilts for special circumstances. This case involves a man who was tragically killed in a traffic accident leaving behind a young daughter. This quilt is for her. I personalized it by paying close attention to the fabrics that I pulled for the quilt. (There are around 250 unique fabrics!) The girl has dark hair so of course I had to have fabric girls with dark hair. I also hid her name in the quilt and had some fabrics that referred to her dad.
On the back of the quilt I pieced the girl's name. I have been a follower of Tonya Ricucci for quite some time. Her book Word Play Quilts is one of my favorites
and I use the technique for special quilts like this one where I want to personalize it.

This quilt is a quick baby quilt meant to be put on an isolette for a preemie baby. It finishes to 32 x 39, using 2.5" cut squares for the 4 patches and 4.5 cut squares for the focus fabrics. I put flannel on the back so it would be soft and could be used once the baby is released from the hospital.
Since I just finished these I have not really started the next quilt, although I am making crumb blocks. Usually I make them 6.5" square. I am trying something different this time and making the blocks tiny at 3.5" cut size. They are easier to create than the bigger blocks so I have nearly 100 made so far. I don't have any plan for them, I just wanted to do some brainless sewing and empty a tiny scrap basket. No, the basket is not tiny, no such luck there, it is the basket in which I place all of my tiny scraps.