I made the time to sew! Here are four quilts that are in the works. All four are donation quilts that will be going to children in need. The orange and black is one of my 80 patches, although it is not exactally 80 since some of the squares are four patches or two patches. You know when you buy one of the fabric samples on cardboard
how you get a larger piece of focus fabric? Well, I have found that if I cut it into an 8.5" square it works well for a quilt like this one. I wanted to make a boy quilt so I choose blacks and orange fabrics.
Next is the pink 80 patch that I was cutting last week. I am very fortunate in that ladies in my quilting class give me scraps that they no longer want or want to deal with. This one was made all from fabrics that were given to me.
The orange stripe was an experiment for me. I purchased a charm pack of the orange fabrics from Keepsake Quilts. Now what to do with it? I saw a pattern on Oh, Fraisson! And followed the idea. I think I will like it more once it is washed and crinkled up.
Then finally, another 80 patch that I made from donated fabrics. This one was fun for me to make. I was given a bag of scraps and in the bag were a bunch of precut squares. There were not enough to make a top so I added a few from my drawer of squares. I found the perfect addition, a dancing fairy girl who is dressed in the colors of the donated squares.
The three 80 patches I quilted in a wavy line across the seams and the striped one I quilted with straight stitching close together. I just need to bind these four and they will be finished.

This last quilt is one that I just got the picture out of the camera. I made it with pastel strips that I had left over from another quilt. This one was donated to the UCSD altzheimer project. Subjects who undergo testing are given a quilt to comfort them. Since most of my quilts are for younger people making a quilt for an older person was a nice change.
So, my goals for next week are to finish the binding on the four quilts, and label them of course. I started cutting out fabrics to make a Bright Hopes quilt and I sewed together the half log cabin blocks I posted about earlier. I'll post a picture of that one as soon as I can sew the borders on.