Adeye, a mom at one of the blogs that I read daily, http://www.nogreaterjoymom.com/
is doing a fundraiser. The purpose fo the fundraiser is to free Vanya from an orphanage in Eastern Europe. The cost of international adoptions is great. Families who want to adopt internationally face the burden of trying to raise funds to proceed with the adoption, resulting in less families able to adopt and more children without families.
I sent these two quilts to be included in the fundraiser. What a joy it will be to help Vanya find his forever family.
Today I am sewing on a Zig Zag quilt. I don't usually sew quilts on the diagonal so it is something new for me. http://beesquarefabrics.blogspot.com/2990/03/how-to-make-zig-zag-quilt-without.html is the link for the instruction.
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