Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Good Cause

Adeye, a mom at one of the blogs that I read daily,

is doing a fundraiser. The purpose fo the fundraiser is to free Vanya from an orphanage in Eastern Europe. The cost of international adoptions is great. Families who want to adopt internationally face the burden of trying to raise funds to proceed with the adoption, resulting in less families able to adopt and more children without families.

I sent these two quilts to be included in the fundraiser. What a joy it will be to help Vanya find his forever family.

Today I am sewing on a Zig Zag quilt. I don't usually sew quilts on the diagonal so it is something new for me. is the link for the instruction.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Latest projects

Here are two other quilts I have worked on. The first is a quick kids' quilt. I had the fabric out since I whipped out a quilt for a preemie using these fabrics. Insted of putting the fabric away I cut what I needed to make one of these. The pattern is from Downey's Quilts for Kids site.

The other quilt here is from Bonnie Hunter at She calls it Little Monkey. I will call it Little Monkey on My Back since once I started making the little monkey wrench squares I kept on going since they are addicting to make. Usually I work with larger squares and bigger pieces, but with this the squares are 4.5" finished. I do like this one.

Jelly Roll and latest quilts

I finally had a very productive time with the quilting. Have you seeen the Jelly Roll 1600 race video? If you go to you can see the pattern and get a link to the video. I opened up a jelly roll and started the clock. My time start to finish in sewing a complete top was just one hour. This quilt was a bit boring to sew since it is just long seams, but once I started getting closer to the finish it got more exciting. And, it was just an hour of sewing. After I basted it and started quilting I decided to add a few circles to the top just to add some contrast to all of the linear features. The fabric that I have on the back has circles on it and I also pieced a circle on the backing.

I will be making this pattern again since it was easy and fast to sew. A great donation quilt at 48 x 64" finished size.