Saturday, April 9, 2011

Latest projects

Here are two other quilts I have worked on. The first is a quick kids' quilt. I had the fabric out since I whipped out a quilt for a preemie using these fabrics. Insted of putting the fabric away I cut what I needed to make one of these. The pattern is from Downey's Quilts for Kids site.

The other quilt here is from Bonnie Hunter at She calls it Little Monkey. I will call it Little Monkey on My Back since once I started making the little monkey wrench squares I kept on going since they are addicting to make. Usually I work with larger squares and bigger pieces, but with this the squares are 4.5" finished. I do like this one.

1 comment:

  1. I really like those monkey wrench blocks. I've been thinking about doing some for a Christmas wall hanging. After seeing these, it seems even more that what I have would work for a wall hanging without purchasing more fabric--which is what I'd like to do--use up that fabric I've been saving for 5 years or so!

    I like the scrappy look of yours and the little squares in the sashings. Good job. Touching fundraiser. Too bad things aren't equalized in life more!
